A Dance of Fire and Ice - Official Soundtrack

A Dance of Fire and Ice - Official Soundtrack. Front. Нажмите, чтобы увеличить.
A Dance of Fire and Ice - Official Soundtrack
Композиторы Augustin Guillois / riya
Издатель 7th Beat Games
Тип релиза Музыка из игры - Официальный релиз
Формат Цифра - 15 треков
Дата релиза 6 февраля 2019
Музыкальные стили
Оцените альбом!

"This is the official soundtrack to A Dance of Fire and Ice, composed and produced by Jade Kim, Hafiz Azman, and other guest artists! It includes the tracks used for the first worlds, plus a few additional tracks from later worlds in the game. Both WAV and MP3 files are included."

8.  Guest track by Cadence Hira
10. Guest track by Riya
11. Guest track by Riya
12. Guest track by Gus La Flibuste
13. Guest track by Quree

Once you've purchased, you can access your soundtrack by doing the following:

1. Right-click A Dance of Fire and Ice in your Steam game library.
2. Click "Properties."
3. Click on the Local Files tab.
4. Click on "Browse Local Files.

The tracklist actually contains 15 tracks, with two additional versions of "A Dance of Fire and Ice" exclusive to this specific Steam release. The tracklist is not ordered however, and for the sake of this page's consistency, it follows the same order as the Bandcamp version.

Credits from metadata:
01. Artist: Jade Kim
02. Artist: fizzd & Jade Kim
03. Artist: Jade Kim
04. Artist: fizzd
05. Artist: fizzd
06. Artist: fizzd
07. Artist: fizzd
08. Artist: djivvi
09. Artist: Jade Kim & fizzd
10. Artist & Composer: Riya
11. Artist & Composer: Riya
12. Artist & Composer: Augustin Guillois
13. Artist: Quree
14. Artist: fizzd & s9menine
15. Artist: fizzd & s9menine

Над альбомом работал дуэт композиторов: Augustin Guillois (A Dance of Fire and Ice) и riya (Legend of Heroes Gagharv Trilogy ~ White Witch Theme Song, The, CLANNAD / Tomoyo After Piano Arrange Album "Piano no Mori"), а его релиз состоялся 6 февраля 2019 года. На саундтрек попало 15 композиций. Подборка является компиляцией оригинальной музыки. Выпуском пластинки занимался лейбл 7th Beat Games.

CD 1

Love Letters
The Midnight Train
A Dance of Fire and Ice
The Wind-Up
Thanks For Playing My Game
Spin 2 Win
Jungle City
Butterfly Planet
Artificial Chariot
Third Wave Flip-Flop
One Forgotten Night
Bonus - A Dance of Fire and Ice [Spooky ver.]
Bonus - A Dance of Fire and Ice [Rabbit ver.]

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