Zenobi Software

Проекты, выпущенные в качестве разработчика


Zenobi Adventures (PC)


The Citadel (Spectrum)
The Fire Ruby (Spectrum)
Murder Mystery Weekend (Spectrum)
Seaside Sorcery (Spectrum)


Labour Pains (Spectrum)
Toddler Trouble (Spectrum)
Trouble with Trolls (Spectrum)
Mutiny (Spectrum)
Rhyme Cryme (Spectrum)


Curse of Nimue (Spectrum)
Teenage Emergency (Spectrum)
Ten Green Bottles (Spectrum)
The 39 Steps (Spectrum)
The Wizard of Oz (Spectrum)
Loose Ends (Spectrum)
The Dungeons of Maldread (Spectrum)
The Emerald Elf (Spectrum)
Why is the World Round Anyway...? (Spectrum)
The Final Chorus (Spectrum)
Zen Quest (Spectrum)
A Dungeon Romp (Spectrum)
A Fistful of Necronomicons (Spectrum)
Beyond El Dorado (Spectrum)


Flameout (Spectrum)
The Song of Taliesin (Spectrum)
The Bardic Rites (Spectrum)
The Well of Zol (Spectrum)
Leopold the Minstrel (Spectrum)
The End Is Nigh (Spectrum)
The Hospital (Spectrum)
The House (Spectrum)
Brian The Novice Barbarian (Spectrum)
Civil Service II (Spectrum)


Crystals of Kings (Spectrum)
Diarmid (Spectrum)
The Apprentice (Spectrum)
Kidnapped (Spectrum)
Theme Park UK (Spectrum)
Theme Park USA (Spectrum)
Lost in Time (Spectrum)
Lycanthropy (Spectrum)
Meltdown (Spectrum)
The Final Demand (Spectrum)
Murder He Said (Spectrum)
Perseus (Spectrum)
Black Tower 2: A Serpentine Tale (Spectrum)
Celtic Carnage (Spectrum)


Corporal Stone (Spectrum)
Stranded (Spectrum)
Tax Returns (Spectrum)
The Mapper (Spectrum)
Tears of the Moon (Spectrum)
The Mines of Lithiad (Spectrum)
The Beginning of the End (Spectrum)
Impact (Spectrum)
Marooned (Spectrum)
Wizard Quest (Spectrum)
Out of the Limelight (Spectrum)
April 7th (Spectrum)
The Khangrin Plans (Spectrum)


Staff of Power (Spectrum)
Darkest Road (Spectrum)
Darkest Road 3: The Unborn One (Spectrum)
Eclipse (Spectrum)
The Taxman Cometh (Spectrum)
The Treasure of the Santa Maria (Spectrum)
The Bermuda Triangle (Spectrum)
The Curse of Calutha (Spectrum)
Time Warrior (Spectrum)
The Fisher King (Spectrum)
The Golden Pyramid (Spectrum)
The Golden Sword of Bhakhor (Spectrum)
Behold Atlantis (Spectrum)
Phoenix (Spectrum)
Radiomania (Spectrum)
Red Alert (Spectrum)


The Lost Temple (Spectrum)
Stalker (Spectrum)
The Lost Twilight (Spectrum)
The Magic Isle (Spectrum)
The Oppressed Land (Spectrum)
The Tales of Mathematica (Spectrum)
House on the Tor (Spectrum)
The Boyd File (Spectrum)
The Gods of War (Spectrum)
One of our Wombats is Missing (Spectrum)
Alien Research Centre (Spectrum)
The Legacy (Spectrum)
Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery (Spectrum)
The Little Wandering Guru (Spectrum)


The Slaughter Caves (Spectrum)
Hit (Spectrum)
A Legacy for Alaric (Spectrum)
Pawns of War (Spectrum)
The Infiltrator (Spectrum)


The Islands of Sinbad (Spectrum)


Black Tower (Spectrum)

Проекты, выпущенные в качестве издателя


Zenobi Adventures (PC)


The Fire Ruby (Spectrum)
Seaside Sorcery (Spectrum)
The Citadel (Spectrum)
Murder Mystery Weekend (Spectrum)


Toddler Trouble (Spectrum)
Trouble with Trolls (Spectrum)
Labour Pains (Spectrum)
Rhyme Cryme (Spectrum)
Mutiny (Spectrum)


The Final Chorus (Spectrum)
Teenage Emergency (Spectrum)
Ten Green Bottles (Spectrum)
Beyond El Dorado (Spectrum)
Why is the World Round Anyway...? (Spectrum)
The 39 Steps (Spectrum)
Zen Quest (Spectrum)
Loose Ends (Spectrum)
A Dungeon Romp (Spectrum)
Curse of Nimue (Spectrum)
A Fistful of Necronomicons (Spectrum)
The Dungeons of Maldread (Spectrum)
The Emerald Elf (Spectrum)
The Wizard of Oz (Spectrum)


Flameout (Spectrum)
The Elfin Wars (Spectrum)
Man About the House (Spectrum)
The Search for the Nether Regions (Spectrum)
Brian The Novice Barbarian (Spectrum)
The Song of Taliesin (Spectrum)
The Bardic Rites (Spectrum)
Civil Service (Spectrum)
The Hospital (Spectrum)
Leopold the Minstrel (Spectrum)
Civil Service II (Spectrum)
The House (Spectrum)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Spectrum)
The Well of Zol (Spectrum)
The End Is Nigh (Spectrum)
Dragon Quest (Spectrum)


The Final Demand (Spectrum)
Perseus (Spectrum)
Black Tower 2: A Serpentine Tale (Spectrum)
The Apprentice (Spectrum)
Kidnapped (Spectrum)
Celtic Carnage (Spectrum)
Lost in Time (Spectrum)
Crystals of Kings (Spectrum)
Lycanthropy (Spectrum)
Meltdown (Spectrum)
Murder He Said (Spectrum)
Theme Park UK (Spectrum)
Diarmid (Spectrum)
Theme Park USA (Spectrum)


Tears of the Moon (Spectrum)
Aurascope (Spectrum)
Out of the Limelight (Spectrum)
The Mapper (Spectrum)
The Mines of Lithiad (Spectrum)
Wizard Quest (Spectrum)
The Amulet of Darath (Spectrum)
Impact (Spectrum)
Quest for the Holy Something (Spectrum)
The Beginning of the End (Spectrum)
Arnold the Adventurer II (Spectrum)
Corporal Stone (Spectrum)
Arnold the Adventurer III (Spectrum)
Silverwolf (Spectrum)
Aztec Assault (Spectrum)
The Khangrin Plans (Spectrum)
Marooned (Spectrum)
The White Feather Cloak (Spectrum)
Stranded (Spectrum)
Murder Hunt II (Spectrum)
Tax Returns (Spectrum)
April 7th (Spectrum)
The Escaping Habit (Spectrum)


Eclipse (Spectrum)
Behold Atlantis (Spectrum)
Urban (Spectrum)
The Fisher King (Spectrum)
Phoenix (Spectrum)
The Golden Pyramid (Spectrum)
Radiomania (Spectrum)
The Golden Sword of Bhakhor (Spectrum)
Red Alert (Spectrum)
The Taxman Cometh (Spectrum)
The Bermuda Triangle (Spectrum)
The Treasure of the Santa Maria (Spectrum)
Time Warrior (Spectrum)
The Violator of Voodoo (Spectrum)
The Curse of Calutha (Spectrum)
Staff of Power (Spectrum)
Darkest Road (Spectrum)
Darkest Road 3: The Unborn One (Spectrum)


One of our Wombats is Missing (Spectrum)
Elfindor (Spectrum)
The Magic Isle (Spectrum)
House on the Tor (Spectrum)
The Oppressed Land (Spectrum)
The Gods of War (Spectrum)
The Tales of Mathematica (Spectrum)
Arnold the Adventurer (Spectrum)
The Boyd File (Spectrum)
Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery (Spectrum)
The Legacy (Spectrum)
Stalker (Spectrum)
The Little Wandering Guru (Spectrum)
Alien Research Centre (Spectrum)
The Lost Temple (Spectrum)
The Lost Twilight (Spectrum)


Retarded Creatures and Caverns (Spectrum)
From Out of a Dark Night Sky (Spectrum)
Pawns of War (Spectrum)
Hit (Spectrum)
The Pendant of Logryn (Spectrum)
The Slaughter Caves (Spectrum)
Just One of Those Days (Spectrum)
The Infiltrator (Spectrum)
A Legacy for Alaric (Spectrum)
Behind Closed Doors 3: Revenge of the Ants (Spectrum)


The Balrog and the Cat (Spectrum)
Fuddo & Slam (Spectrum)
Behind Closed Doors (Spectrum)
Behind Closed Doors 2: The Sequel (Spectrum)


The Secret of Little Hodcome (Spectrum)
The Islands of Sinbad (Spectrum)
Bulbo and the Lizard-King (Spectrum)


An Everyday Tale of a Seeker of Gold (Spectrum)


Black Tower (Spectrum)
